Saturday, January 30, 2010

If the good Lord's willing and the creeks don't rise...

Here's a short clip showing just how far I have to walk to get to the creek (Ladd's Branch) that runs through our property.  Although it's dry most of the year, when a hard rain comes, there could be 10 feet of water rushing through this branch.  I have found lots of cool looking rocks and fossils and some petrified wood.  When big rains come, new rocks are exposed!  The banded agates polish well.  I'll post some pictures of those later.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Waiting for warmer weather

So, I'm STILL waiting to try out my new surfski.  It's been an unusually cool winter.  I have also been looking around for a new truck, but if I want to carry kayaks, I'll need some kind of rack.  I saw a post on that mentioned this rack, and IF I had a truck, I would JUMP on this deal!  Guess I'll have to wait...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cold enough for ICE CREAM!!!

I recently wrote / recorded this jingle/song for Kleinpeter Dairy Farms :

What do you think?


Up in the morning 'fore the break of day.
By the light of the Milky Way.
See the cows all get in line
'cause they know that it's milking time.
Jersey, Guernsey, and Holstein
Giving up their milk and cream.
Kleinpeter Dairy
We love our cows, that's right.
We love our cows, oh yeah.
We love our cows.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Surfski (Kayak)

Well, I know that I probably should have waited until spring, but well... I just got excited and placed the order. So, now, I am the proud owner of a Fenn Mako XT Surfski, which was created in South Africa, traveled by ship to Ocean Paddle Sports Ocean Paddle Sports and then by truck trailer through California, Washington, other points in between, Texas, Louisiana, and then Mississippi. I'll post some pictures later.

This weekend, I got the 3 kayaks off of the carport floor and onto some new racks that I built under the wing of my shed. This week... temperatures are going to be in the TEENS! Can't wait until Spring!

Now, how to get them from home to the Lake? I already have Yakima carriers, but would like to find a way to carry all three at once.  Does anyone have any experience with these? 

Being a newbie to kayaking, I probably should add some books to my library and spend the cold days/nights preparing for Spring.  These look interesting:

I wonder if I could get in the water quicker if I bought a wet suit. Here are some that I am considering.  Does anyone have any experience with this style for kayaking?   Is XSPAN better?

I may also need gloves. These look interesting, but look like they are more for swimming. Does the wet suit come with feet? Or do I need boots like these?

Boys and their toys, right?  Well, it seems safer than road bike riding...